miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

Trying to make grammar more fun!!

1) Go through this power point presentation on "Relative Clauses" and do the activities that are included in your notebook.

You can also do these on line activities to test your knowledge of relatives:
a) A quiz
b) Fill in the gaps
c) Complete the story
d) Defining or non-defining
e) Some more activities taken from ego4u

2) Rewriting or rephrasing is a good way of improving your grammar. Try these on-line activities.
Find this and other verb tenses exercises in English Exercises .org

3) Expressing future in English. Have a careful look at the presentation
Expressing future in english
View more presentations from pilarmd.

You can now have some practice by doing these on line activities:
a) Going to / will
b) Going to / will / future perfect
c) A test

You can find some activities here to practise with conditional
a) First Conditional: activity1, activity 2, activity 3
b) Second Conditional: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3
c) Third Conditional: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3,
activity 4, activity 5

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