viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes is celebrated in England on the 5th of November. To learn about this popular celebration you can, click here and do this web task

jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

The streets of London

London, as every big city is full of contradictions -beautiful places... but also homeless people.
Watch this video from YouTube and listen to the song -The Streets of London by Ralph Mc Tell-.

Now, can you fill in the gaps in this worksheet?*
(*You'll need to open the link to the video in a new window and fill in the gaps in your notebooks)

About London

We are going to learn about London. Follow these steps:

a) Have a careful look at the pictures in this "Presentación":

c) Answer the questions in your notebook

d) Do this quiz about famous sights in London

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Hi everybody!

Hello everyone!!

This is my first entry in my just created blog... I am not very sure about the final purpose of it, but if I finally manage to make it work, I would like to use it as a resource for my English lessons. It might help me to introduce certain cultural aspects for my students - which aren't usually found in their English textbooks -, or revise some grammar point through useful links.

I am not very familiar with this new tool, nor with New Technologies, in general- so I am a bit "scared", by now..... However, we have to get started.